Love that Stuart Holden has signed with Bolton of the EPL. If Clint Dempsey can’t come back in time for the World Cup, Holden IS his replacement. Coach Bob will probably bump Marvell Wynne up to outside midfielder instead.

Houston got a bargain on Holden for far too long and paid the price. They reportedly were offering him 10x his current salary amount to re-sign with them…and the big problem with that is in negotiating, the guy who has been getting hosed has every right to say…

“So up until now you could only afford to pay me $35k but now you can pay me $300k? Why didn’t you bring me the big cash a while ago before all the offers from Europe starting trickling in?”

Good for Stuart! You only have leverage if somebody else wants you.

Check out the stories up in the top right corner of our site, you can check out features from our last issue…have fun with it, there’s good stuff in there. Also, don’t forget to follow us on twitter too… I musta tweeted two dozen times during the US vs Honduras game the other night.

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–Mark Lincir, Editor-In-Chief

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